Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The wedding

So I guess it happens at some point in every girl's life - no not THE wedding - I'm talking about the other wedding, the one where you're the bridesmaid.

In this day and age, can any girl ever get out of being a bridesmaid? Is it really like 27 dresses where you end up with a whole wardrobe of dresses you've only worn once?

I'm making the big walk down the aisle next year - and I've been told I'll be Yep. I have no comment.

And if rom-coms are right I'll spend the coming months dealing with bridezilla...she is getting quite involved with all the planning already as is the groom. It's like they suddenly have no more hobbies and the wedding is still 9 months out. And if rom-coms are right, I'll spend the time being really happy for her while I secretly wish that it was me...

I guess the thing with weddings is that they're symbolic, they mean something to the bride, groom, the parental groups - and we all respect that and celebrate it with them because it's important to them - unlike in the past when a marriage meant the survival of the village.

And while they mean something special to the wedding parties - I guess they mean something to us all individually as well. We find ourselves contemplating the future, the present and the past, wondering how we have arrived at this point right now, and where we are headed.

So here's to that first walk down the aisle. I'll be the one thinking deep drunk thoughts - dressed in green.

What do weddings mean to you? Can a girl go through her life and NEVER be a bridesmaid?
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